I may be a bit late to the party but better late than never. Skrillex is punching a hole in the Dub Step scene and blasting into the stratosphere right now. His style is massive bass electronica dub step (not an actual genre btw). More of an all round pleaser than the niche sound you may hear more often thn now. You can expect to see his name popping up a lot more for sure. Check out this video and tell me you dont want to be in this crowd!
Also his break through track here. A dub step artist with over 9 million views! Now that is mind blowing. Seems to be massive in America right now.
Okay and onto a different genre now. Acid Pauli is another new fave to check out. He has been about for a bit and has created the usual techno sound with a fun and light sounding twist. Perfect for summer me thinks.