So the Middle East & North Africa is currently being deluged with a Tsunami of protests. Starting in Egypt and spreading to places like Bahrain, and Libya there seems to be no end in sight. Suddenly out of the blue everyone in this part of the world wants rid of their loving dictators. Why did these silly people not think of this before, hmmm.
Well I do not know much and can only go from the sources online I like to frequent. Of course is always first on my list. Most interestingly this has been the best source for explaining the larger plan and how these protests will be used by the globalists in order to bring about some massive changes in the world.
Lindsay Williams seems to turn up on the Alex Jones radio show a lot over the years. He claims to have known two people who are part of these globalists plans. The two gentlemen he claims to know (and knew) worked in the Oil industry and were as high up they get. One of these men was supposedly a CEO of one of the big three oil corporations.
So why does this really matter? Well the information they have given him over the years has nearly always been correct. Just a couple of months back Lindsay Williams advised the Alex Jones listeners that a crisis in the middle east would develop according to these sources. The plan would be to increase Crude Oil to over $200 a barrel and destroy the Dollar by 2012 and this is the middle east oil supplies is the key to their plan.
Well he was back just the other day to expand on this information. So the larger plan has been laid out like this:
1. In 1977 to 81 a deal was done with Middle Eastern countries with America to exclusively buy their oil. America would not develop any of their own oil fields and in return the Arabs would buy up American treasury bills thus making the dollar the main currency of the world.
2. They now want the Oil prices to shoot up to $200 a barrel. To do this they need a destabilized Middle East where very little oil can be produced or sold thus pushing up the prices.
3. This new price would basically bankrupt America who gets most of their oil from the middle east. The American dollar would no longer be the worlds reserve and would crash. The plan for this crash is for the end of 2012.
4. China will rise to be the world superpower in the mean time. As they supposedly have just inked a deal with the Russians exclusively for Oil and Gas supplies so they will not be affected by this crisis. Of course Europe and the UK will lose out even more rising Gas prices and freezing winters.
5. Once America is truly stuffed and the military control grid has been activated the globalists apparently will to start open these untapped oil fields in America and thus double cross the Arabs. From here America would then slowly be built back up.
Well. What do you think? Plausible? Personally I think so but time will tell.
Just watch this interview and decide for yourself.
Okay now that was quite a lot of serious information. Here is a nice little track to calm you down :)
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